Transformers One is an animated film belonging to a popular series that tells the untold origin story of Optimus Prime and Megatron. The film begins on an average note and a few jokes don’t land well. The animation is vibrant and different from the one we see in films by Disney and DreamWorks. In some scenes, however, it gets overwhelming as one tries to make sense of what’s happening, especially in the action and chase scenes. On the positive side, the film moves at a great pace and packs in a lot in 104 minutes. The second half is way better while the end is gripping. Speaking of the voice cast, Chris Hemsworth (Orion Pax) and Brian Tyree Henry (D-16) do a great job. Scarlett Johansson (Elita-1) has a distinct voice and is easily recognizable. Keegan-Michael Key (B-127) is the best of the lot. Laurence Fishburne (Alpha Trion) impresses with his baritone voice. All in all, Transformers One makes for a fun watch and is a must for the fans of the Transformers series.

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