Spider-Man: Homecoming is an entertaining reboot film with its own set of quirks and humour quotient. It is more of a coming-of-age film, on the lines of Kick Ass, and that makes for an entertaining watch. However, the villain and the action moments, though great, fall short somewhere and the film hence fails to reach to the level of the previous two Spider-Man films. Performances are great – Tom Holland is confident and plays the lead part with élan. Michael Keaton is as always natural. Robert Downey Jr, as expected, rocks the show, in a small role. Laura Harrier does well while Marisa Tomei is very entertaining. Jacob Batalon raises laughs as Peter’s classmate Ned. All in all, a nice, timepass flick and obviously, it’s a must for Spider-Man and Marvel fans!

My rating – *** ½ out of 5!

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