The Miseducation Of Cameron Post is a film based on the same novel by the same name. It is set in 90s when a teenage lesbian is forced into a gay conversion therapy center called God’s Promise. The film is amusing but at the same time, highly shocking as to how homosexuality was perceived at one point in USA. We have had similar films in the past and somehow Philadelphia is on the top of my mind since it was released in the same year as the period shown in the film – 1993. But the setting here is totally different and it makes for a great watch. The characters are also very well fleshed out and the actors have done total justice. Chloë Grace Moretz plays the lead role and one of the chief reasons why I wanted to see this flick. As expected, she’s terrific and it’s great to see that by the age of 21 itself, she’s been a part of some great films. Forrest Goodluck and Sasha Lane leave the maximum impact out of the students in the center and add a lot to the film. John Gallagher Jr as the ex-gay Reverend has a difficult role and plays it quite well. Jennifer Ehle as Reverend’s conservative sister also leaves a huge mark. Another actor who makes an impact is Owen Campbell, who owns the pre-climax. All in all, it’s surely a film to watch out for!

My rating – **** out of 5!

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