Marco is a Malayalam film that started on a very poor note in Hindi. But with each passing day, it has grown dramatically. It’s called the ‘Baap of Animal’ in terms of violence and that has made people very curious about it. Writer-director Haneef Adeni has executed the film very stylishly – the camerawork, the lighting, the action and the production design – all come together and provide a complete cinematic experience. Ravi Basrur‘s music and background score are like an icing on the cake. On the flipside, the writing is not upto the mark. Some disturbing scenes are added just for the effect and not to take the story forward. Some major characters enter the narrative all of a sudden and it gives an impression that their actual entry scenes were probably chopped off. Lastly, the action and whole vibe give a deja vu of John Wick and Animal; a scene looks very similar to that of Pushpa 2. Of course, Marco was made before the Allu Arjun-starrer released and it’s just a case of timing. Unni Mukundan plays the role with aplomb and rocks the show. Abhimanyu Shammy Thilakan (Russel), Jagadish (Tony), Siddique (George) and Anson Paul (Devraj) lend able support. Kabir Duhan Singh (Cyrus) and Ishan Shoukath (Victor) have limited screen time but leave a huge mark. Yukti Thareja (Maria) and Durva Thaker (Isha) are okay. All in all, Marco is worth watching for its stylish treatment, mass moments and Unni Mukundan’s electrifying screen presence.
My rating – *** out of 5!