Deva is the remake of the acclaimed 2013 Malayalam film, Mumbai Police. But it’s not a scene-to-scene remake; director Rosshan Andrrews has changed certain bits and also the placement of scenes. Hence, even if you have seen the original, you might not be able to guess which scene will come next. A few action and dramatic scenes stand out while Mumbai has been captured like never before. On the flipside, the neta track works as a standalone scene but as part of the narrative, its impact is diluted. The suspense is unexpected but is not fully convincing. The biggest issue with the film, however, is its length. The finale, in fact, is very long. Shahid Kapoor, as always, puts his best foot forward. Yet, this is not his finest performance; we have seen him do much better in the past. Pooja Hegde is wasted. Pavail Gulati and Pravessh Rana lend able support. Kubbra Sait is decent. Upendra Limaye once again rocks the show in a cameo, after Animal. Girish Kulkarni is dependable. All in all, Deva is an average flick.
My rating – ** ½ out of 5!